The Multi-Talented – Solid Wood Flooring Made Of Larch

wood flooring
solid wood floors are preferred flooring for nature lovers as they provide a very original look. Thanks to their timeless looks that fit wood flooring in modern urban apartments as well as in rustic farmhouses. A suitable flooring material for solid wood floors is larch in many variations – and for good reason. But read for […]

solid wood floors are preferred flooring for nature lovers as they provide a very original look. Thanks to their timeless looks that fit wood flooring in modern urban apartments as well as in rustic farmhouses. A suitable flooring material for solid wood floors is larch in many variations – and for good reason. But read for yourself what qualities the larch planks so unique.

Optical and technical properties

When choosing the right wood for the solid wood floor larch convinces with its bright, welcoming look with a good price-performance ratio. Compared to other softwoods you get larch planks relatively low. But in terms of technical characteristics, especially in strength values ​​larch some of their needle-like competitors depend. Especially the Siberian larch has due to their slow growth on narrow tree rings and thus a very high strength. Therefore, the origin of knots also heard next to the main quality criteria of the wood.

Installation and maintenance

Massive larch planks are easy to install as they are along side with tongue and groove. However, there are some basic rules of installation. First, you should make sure that the larch planks not exceed moisture content of ten percent. If they are wet, it is advisable to let the wood acclimate about two weeks in space. The same applies to the substructure. In this way, excessive gap formation is prevented in climate change. Nevertheless, the wood will swell to a certain extent and wane. Therefore, you should plan from floor to wall, an expansion joint. This is covered later with matching skirting. Also make on a flat, dry surface.

Solid wood floors are easy to maintain. Depending on your taste you are finished with wax or oil. It is important that only damp, must never be wet mopped. In order to prevent the movement of the wood, you should pay attention to a balanced room climate. Then you will prolong the enjoyment of your solid wood flooring made of larch.